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Showing posts with label Catholic church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catholic church. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

सेंट ॲन्स चर्च

 विविध धर्मांची प्रार्थनास्थळे आणि प्रतिके सामान्य माणसांनासुद्धा ओळखता येतात.

पुणे कॅम्पात पुलगेट बस स्टँडच्याजवळ सोलापूर बझार येथले हे प्रार्थनास्थळ मात्र त्याला अपवाद असेल.
अगदी जवळ आल्यानंतरसुद्धा हे कोडे लवकर सुटत नाही, याचे कारण या वास्तूच्या प्रथमदर्शनी असणारे गोपुर शैलीचे बांधकाम.
त्याशिवाय समोरच्या खालच्या भागात असलेली नक्षीवजा कलाकुसर आणि गोपुराच्या केंद्रस्थानी असलेले कमळाच्या पाकळ्यांवर असलेले शिल्प या कोड्यात भर घालते.
वास्तूच्या कळसाच्या टोकाला असलेला छोटासा लाल रंगाचा क्रूस ही वास्तू म्हणजे एक ख्रिस्ती देऊळ आहे हे सांगत असतो.
पुण्यातील सोलापूर बझार येथील हे सेंट ॲन्स चर्च हे मात्र केवळ आपल्या वैशिष्ट्यपूर्ण गोपुर शैलीच्या वास्तुबाबतच प्रसिद्ध नाही.
या रोमन कॅथोलिक चर्चचे आणखी एक वैशिष्ट्य म्हणजे इथे दर रविवारी इंग्रजी भाषेशिवाय तामिळ भाषेतसुद्धा एक मिस्साविधी साजरा केला जातो.
पुणे आणि कोल्हापूर शहरांसह आणि चार महसूल जिल्ह्यांचा समावेश असलेल्या पुणे डायोसिस म्हणजे पुणे धर्मप्रांतातील काही अगदी मोजक्या चर्चेसमध्ये तामिळ भाषेत प्रार्थनाविधी होत असतो.
आता या चर्चमधल्या गोपुर बांधकामशैलीविषयी.
पुण्यात पहिले चर्च बांधले गेले ते सवाई माधवराव पेशवे यांनी १७९२ साली दिलेल्या जमिनीवर. पेशव्याच्या सैन्यात असलेल्या पोर्तुगालच्या ताब्यात असलेल्या गोव्यातील पोर्तुगीज अधिकारी आणि सैनिकांसाठी हे चर्च बांधले गेले तेव्हा साहजिकच ते युरोपियन बांधकाम शैलीत होते.
क्वार्टर गेटला सेंट ऑर्नेलाज स्कुलच्या आवारात असलेले हे अवर लेडी ऑफ इम्यॅक्युलेट कन्स्पेशन चर्च हे आज `सिटी चर्च' या छोट्याशा आणि सर्वांना कळेल अशा नावानेच ओळखले जाते.
मुंबई आणि वसई वगळता महाराष्ट्रातील हे सिटी चर्च सर्वात जुने चर्च.
त्यानंतर पुणे शहरात बांधली गेलेली सर्वच विविध रोमन कॅथोलिक आणि प्रोटेस्टंट चर्चेस पाश्चात्य गॉथिक बांधकाम शैलीत आहेत.
स्वातंत्र्यानंतर सोलापूर बझार परिसरात नवे चर्च बांधताना मूळचे युरोपियन असलेल्या येशूसंघीय किंवा जेसुईट फादरांनी मात्र भारतीय बांधकाम शैलीचा वापर केला.
गोपुर शैलीतील हे सेंट ॲन्स चर्च नावाचे हे देऊळ अशाप्रकारे १९६२ साली उभे राहिले.
हे चर्च जर्मन फादर जॉन बाप्टिस्ट हॅश (मृत्यू १९८९) यांनी बांधले. या परिसरात त्यांनी तामिळ माध्यमाची प्राथमिक शाळासुद्धा सुरु केली होती.
फादर हॅश स्वतः उत्तम तामिळ बोलत. तामिळ शिकण्यासाठी ते चेन्नई येथे काही वर्षे राहिले होते. पुण्यातच त्यांचे निधन झाले आणि हडपसर येथे त्यांची कबर आहे.
स्थानिक वास्तुपरंपरेनुसार आणि प्रतिकांनुसार प्रार्थनास्थळांचे बांधकाम हा कॅथोलिक चर्चच्या सांस्कृतीकरण किंवा inculturation चा भाग असतो, त्यात विशेष असे काही नाही
सेंट ॲन ही येशू ख्रिस्ताची आजी, मदर मेरी किंवा मारीयाची आई.
या गोपुराच्या प्रथमदर्शनी भागाच्या अगदी मध्यवर्ती ठिकाणी कमळाच्या पाकळ्यांवर काचेने आच्छादित असलेले एक शिल्प आहे.
सेंट ॲन आपल्या लहानग्या मुलीकडे - मदर मेरीकडे - प्रेमभावनेने पाहत आहे असे हे शिल्प आहे.
आता या चर्चमध्ये तामिळ भाषेत होणारा रविवारचा मिस्साविधी.
पुण्यातल्या या चर्चमध्ये तामिळ लोकांसाठी त्यांच्या तामिळ मातृभाषेत दर रविवारी सकाळी सात वाजता प्रार्थनाविधी होतो.
जगभरातील प्रत्येक चर्चच्या सदस्यांची एक आगळीवेगळी ओळख असते. सेंट ॲन्स चर्चसुद्धा त्याला अपवाद नाही.
या परिसरातील अनेक कॅथोलिक लोक मूळचे तामिळनाडू येथील आहेत. अशीच स्थिती खडकीच्या सेंट इग्नेशियस चर्च आणि इतर काही चर्चेसची आहे.
त्यामुळे येथे दर रविवारी तामिळ भाषेत प्रार्थना होते, त्यासाठी इतर चर्चमध्ये असणारे तामिळ भाषक धर्मगुरु खास बोलावले जातात. फादर रॉक अल्फान्सो हे सेंट ॲन्स चर्चचे धर्मगुरु आहेत.
ख्रिस्ती धर्मात चर्चमध्ये नेहेमीच सामुदायिक प्रार्थना होत असते, कॅथोलिक चर्चमध्ये या उपासनेला Holy Mass किवा मिस्साविधी (प्रभुभोजन) म्हणतात.
Missa हा मूळचा लॅटिन शब्द. रविवारच्या मिस्साविधीला चर्चच्या सर्व सदस्यांनी हजर राहावे अशी अपेक्षा असते. इस्लाम धर्मात जसे शुक्रवारच्या प्रार्थनेला महत्वाचे स्थान आहे तसेच
सेंट ॲन आणि सेंट जोकीम यांचा २६ जुलै रोजी असणारा सण आजीआजोबांचा - ग्रॅन्डपॅरेन्ट्स डे - म्हणून साजरा केला जातो.
यावर्षी सोलापूर बझार इथले हे सेंट ॲन्स चर्च पुढील रविवारी, २८ जुलै रोजी, सेंट ॲनचा सण -फेस्त - साजरा करणार आहे.
पुणे धर्मप्रांताचे बिशप जॉन रॉड्रीग्स या सणाच्या मिस्साविधीचे मुख्य पुरोहित असतील.
Camil Parkhe, July 20, 2024

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sacred Heart church Yerawada has a rich heritage

Sacred Heart has a rich heritage
Reporters Name | CAMIL PARKHE | Sunday, 7 June 2015 AT 02:59 PM IST
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Yerawada: Jesuits from De Nobili College, Nagar Road, started Fatima Tamil Primary School in Yerawada in 1952 and this marks the beginning of the Sacred Heart Parish. In 1974, the Jesuits handed over the school and the parish to the Society of Don Bosco or the Salesians.

The Salesians later renamed the school as Don Bosco High School. The present Sacred Heart Church was blessed in 1984.

This parish was later bifurcated twice, to create St Francis de Sales Parish, Shaanwadi in 1990 and Christ the King Parish at Sainikwadi in Vadgaonsheri in 2001.

It is one of those parishes in the city having largest number of parishioners and the church therefore celebrates as many as seven masses on Sundays.

Our parishioners are very active on various fronts including spiritual, social work and environment awareness. The church services are well attended by people. The parish regularly publishes its quarterly bulletin.
-Fr Anton D'Souza, Parish Priest

Sacred Heart Church is one of the most vibrant parishes in the city. Due to its large area and population, the parish is divided into 40 zones, each zone having around 30/40 families. We lay leaders organise a variety of programmes for the parishioners and others.
-Cyril Asirvadam, Vice-President, Parish Council

Our parish has eight choir groups, four English and four Marathi. Various choir groups are assigned for singing at various feasts, including Christmas, throughout the year. We conduct singing sessions and prayers at the church as well as in the residences of people.
-Anthony Kardak, Choir group member

Fr. Anil SJ - Wednesday, 29 July 2015 AT 01:00 PM IST
Great Article due to its informative nature. i never knew its origin. Of course the Salasians have done a marvelous work there to make the parish and the whole atmosphere around Yerwada a vibrant place with genuine service. Cant thank you enough for the information you provide to the non-Christians about the christian community and its contribution to the majority community and ultimately to the nation building. Keep it up.
Vincent Bagul - Wednesday, 29 July 2015 AT 11:31 AM IST
Very interesting and informative article. Young generation and the Catholics settled in Pune from outside are grateful to know the details of the Church. Thanks.
Diago Almeida - Sunday, 26 July 2015 AT 11:27 PM IST
Congrats Kamil for the information to the Catholic and all people of pune keep up the good work. God bless you Diago Almeida

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Football loyalties divided between two Popes!

Football loyalties divided between Popes!
Sakal Times
Sunday, 13 July 2014 - 03:10 PM IST

Pune: With Argentina and Germany facing each other in the World Cup football finals on Sunday, Catholic fans across the world seem to be in a dilemma about which team to support. This is because, Pope Francis, head of the Roman Catholic Church, hails from Argentina and his predecessor, Emeritus Pope Benedict, hails from Germany.
This queer dilemma has been brought to light by Pune’s Emeritus Bishop Valerian D’Souza on his Facebook page. Bishop Valerian, who has played football for his alma mater St Vincent’s High School, has said there is much speculation about whom Pope Francis and Pope Benedict will pray for when Argentina and Germany face each other in the finals.
“If they pray for their respective national teams, will that not put God in a quandary? There might be an urgent conference with the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to solve the problem,” writes the retired Bishop.
According to Bishop Valerian, numerous fans have been praying for the success of their favourite teams. “Did God answer their prayers? In sports, God is only interested in smooth and fair play. The prayers of Pope Francis, Pope Benedict, all sports loving cardinals, bishops and priests will lead to an excellent and thrilling match. May we feel at the end that there should be joint winners,” he said.
Emeritus Bishop D’Souza said that he has been watching all the matches. “However, I will not watch the finals in the wee hours. I will catch the replay later,” he said. 


Monday, April 28, 2014

Church renews call to elect secular govt

Church renews call to elect secular govt
Sunday, 13 April 2014 - 07:08 PM IST
Pune: On Palm Sunday, just three days before the Lok Sabha polls, the Catholic Church in western Maharashtra renewed its call to people to vote for the parties promising a secular, democratic government in the country. 
The appeal to elect secular parties committed to safeguard interests of the minorities was read out in all churches in Pune diocese during the anticipatory masses on Saturday evening and on masses held on Sunday morning and evening. 
Pune bishop Thomas Dabre has issued the appeal in keeping with a recent circular issued by Catholic Bishops Conference of India.
In a pastoral letter issued in February this year, the then CBCI president and Mumbai Cardinal Oswald Gracias that the “Catholic Church does not identify herself with any political party. But we have a responsibility as bishops to urge every eligible citizen to vote and do so prudently, carefully and judiciously. All our parish priests are urged to impress on the people their obligation in this regard.”
The letter added,” The Catholic Church earnestly hopes that the general elections will give us leaders who understand the anxieties of the people. We need leaders who will uphold the secular character of our nation and promote communal harmony and a spirit of inter-religious dialogue.,care for the minorities and weaker sections of society, safeguard the rights of tribals and grant equal rights to dalit Christians, equal to those given to other dalits.” 
Major Archbishop of Trivandrum Cardinal Baselios Cardinal Cleemis who was elected CBCI president 
had endorsed Cardinal Gracias' appeal and also called special prayers on April 6 to enable “citizens of India to elect best persons who will stand for the moral values and principles in public life and uphold the democratic and secular character of our great nation.” 

For clean politics
Catholic Association of Poona president Diago Almeida said that the Church's appeal did not mean canvassing for any party or candidate but seeking election of non-corrupt and secular representatives. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Apostolic Nuncio, 12 bishops to attend Pune meet

Papal delegate, 12 bishops to attend city meet
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 AT 11:59 AM (IST)
To participate in 'Asian conference of new evangelisation'
PUNE: In what could be a rare occasion, Apostolic Nuncio Cardinal Salvatore Pennacchio, the highest ranking official of the Catholic Church in India, and 12 bishops of various dioceses in the country and Asia, will be in the city next week to attend a conference.
The senior members of the church hierarchy will participate in a three-day 'Asian conference of new evangelisation' at the Ishwani Kendra in Vadgaonsheri from September 4 to 6.
The apostolic nuncio is also the ex-officio Vatican's ambassador to India.
Mumbai Cardinal Oswald Gracias, secretary general of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conference (FABC) and president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of India, FABC chairman Thomas Menamparampil and Pune Bishop Thomas Dabre will speak at the inaugural ceremony of the conference on Tuesday morning.
The Pune meet is being conducted as an Asian and Indian contribution to the Synod of Bishops which is scheduled to be held in Rome from October 7 to 28, this year. The theme of the synod is 'The new evangelisation for the transmission of the Christian faith.'
The other senior church officials attending the city meet are Cardinal George Alencherry, major archbishop of the of Syro-Malabar Church, Moran Mor Baselios Cleemis Thottumkal, major archbishop of Catholicos, Syro-Malankara Church, Nagpur archbishop Abraham Viruthakulangara, Delhi archbishop Vincent Concessao, Varanasi bishop Raphy Manjaly, Bishop Jacob Mar Barnabas, Manila auxiliary bishop Broderick Pabillo.
Priests and nuns of various congregations as well as members of the laity will also attend the three-day meet, Fr Joy Thomas, Director of the Ishwani Kendra, has said.
The papal delegate will also concelebrate a mass along with the visiting cardinals, archbishops and bishops at St Patrick's Cathedral at 12 noon on September 4.
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On 29/08/2012 05:21 PM diago almeida said:
Hi Camil It is encourging to see you write in your papers about the imp. events about the Christians and Catholics , I am one of the laity from Pune who will be attending the meet.
On 29/08/2012 05:09 PM Fr.Joe Gaikwad,s.j. said:
Thanks for the information regarding the conference.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

St Joseph Church at Kendal near Rahuri in Ahmednagar district is one of the oldest Catholic church of the Catholic in western Maharashtra