Sacred Heart has a rich heritage
This parish was later bifurcated twice, to create St Francis de Sales Parish, Shaanwadi in 1990 and Christ the King Parish at Sainikwadi in Vadgaonsheri in 2001.
It is one of those parishes in the city having largest number of parishioners and the church therefore celebrates as many as seven masses on Sundays.
-Fr Anton D'Souza, Parish Priest
-Cyril Asirvadam, Vice-President, Parish Council
-Anthony Kardak, Choir group member
Fr. Anil SJ - Wednesday, 29 July 2015 AT 01:00 PM IST
Great Article due to its informative nature. i never knew its origin. Of course the Salasians have done a marvelous work there to make the parish and the whole atmosphere around Yerwada a vibrant place with genuine service. Cant thank you enough for the information you provide to the non-Christians about the christian community and its contribution to the majority community and ultimately to the nation building. Keep it up.
Vincent Bagul - Wednesday, 29 July 2015 AT 11:31 AM IST
Very interesting and informative article. Young generation and the Catholics settled in Pune from outside are grateful to know the details of the Church. Thanks.
Diago Almeida - Sunday, 26 July 2015 AT 11:27 PM IST
Congrats Kamil for the information to the Catholic and all people of pune keep up the good work. God bless you Diago Almeida
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